Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Playing DOTA

hey guy am really happy just now...because me and my cousin(richard)play dota and we won with glory..hehehe feel good because i improve a lot in this game..emm when i think about the first time i play this game i was just a chicken....hehehe now i can kill my enemy feel good so that all good night

12.34 am


  1. Hahahahahahahahahaha.... I'm quoting you on "the first time i play this game i was just a chicken" ... was that a translation of "kai zai".. hahaha... borpoh bah kamu... anyhow.. i see that even your writing have improve now... keep up the good work!

  2. is real that he improve...
    still remember got 1 match...
    our hero all die, but his hero dint die...
    the enemy hero can't kill you know why?
    coz he sleeping infront of his laptop...
    his hero stay in the base din't come out battle...
    tht's y he dint die...
    n v all loss... TT

  3. am really tired bah that night hahaha sory lor

  4. hahahahahahha.. omg... this is so funny.... sot bah u two....
