Monday, March 9, 2009

Loving Someone That have a Bad Past

Hey blogger today am going to share with you something is hard to find in a boy heart...have you ever try to think to love someone that have a bad past?em....for me is very hard,do you know why is hard?because many people in my back always talk about the person you love is a bad girl...yeah i know that she is a bad girl but i accpet her and i have change her in to a good girl....althought we have many problem that can broke my relationship with her i still love her and thank to my family and best friend such as 'my sister,ayu,taufik' they really give me advice to stay strong with her.And now i leard something that my friend told me 'don care about what people say as long as you like or love her'.so this is my love story i hope my story can help people out there that have the same position as me...



  1. Wow! Inilah.... Hahaha... it's true that we don't have to care of what people say about us but words can sometimes make people upset and really down.. for now.. just do what you like but make sure you know your boundaries.. be yourself but always be concern of others feeling and cheers~..

  2. pal... remember what i said...
    the past just let it passes by...
    don't simply waste your future...

  3. yeah dude thx for your adive 2

  4. FA PA DE PER .................

  5. what the hakka moi talking about?

  6. don know apa tu fa pe de per

  7. oh... maybe she say's tht i'm "Father"...
    but actually "Father" is for Roman Catholic, I'm Anglican so u can call it "Rev" or "Archdeacon" or even "Bishop"...
